- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Enviado por   •  10 de Enero de 2015  •  1.105 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  497 Visitas

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William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in April 1564, date of birth uncertain but many people think it was the 23rd April. When he was eighteen years old he married Anne Hathaway (26 years old) and they had three children: Susanna and two twins Hamnet and Judith.

PART ONE: Love and the law

Duke of Athens (Theseus) and he was in love with Hippolyta (queen of amazons), there were going to be married in four days.

Philostrate: his master of revels.

Egeus come to tell to Theseus a problem: Demetrius was going to marry her daughter Hermia but Lysander interfered with everything and now Hermia says she won’t marry Demetrius.

If she won’t marry Demetrius, she should die (law of Athens) or spend the rest of her life in a convent.

Theseus give her four days to make up her mind. Demetrius used to be in love with Helena.

Theseus wanted to speak with Egeus and Demetrius, they went off together. Lysander had an idea: he had an aunt who lived some distance away from Athens, they could go there and marry. The law of Athens could not touch them there.

He wait for her the next day at night in the wood near Athens. Hermia promised it. They were joined by Helena because she were unhappy (she loves Demetrius)

Hermia explains that when she more ignores him, he more loves her. Helena mad a plan of her own: she tell Demetrius what Lysander and Hermia are going to do and he’s sure to follow Hermia into the wood and perhaps he’ll thank her for bringing him the news.

PART TWO: Acting for the Duke

Everyone wanted to honour the Duke by organising a special entertainment for him and his bride.

Bottom, a weaver (makes fabric for clothes), and his friends decided to perform a play for the Duke. Quince (carpenter). They have chosen the play Pyramus and Thisbe.

Bottom play the part of a lover (Pyramus), and Quince the part of the bad king but he looked ridiculous.

Flute play the part of Thisbe, the woman that Pyramus love, but Flute doesn’t want to perform the part of a women because he have beard. Quince reassured him that he will wear a mask.

Bottom wanted to be Thisbe too; Snug will be the lion: enter and roar. Once again Bottom wanted to be the lion.

They must practice their play in a quiet place, away from the city and they go into the wood the next day night.

PART THREE: The fairy kingdom

The king of the fairies, Oberon, and his servant, Puck, was busy organising an entertainment for him. When Puck was walking through the wood he saw a fairy who serve the Queen, Titania.

Oberon and Titania are not good friends because the Queen had taken a new servant-boy, and refused to give him to the King. The Queen and The King must not meet but it was too late.

Tatiana are argue with Oberon because she know that Oberon was in love with Hippolyta but Oberon know that Titania were in love with Theseus.

Oberon decided to play a trick on her. He knew where there was a magical flower that had the power to make people fall in love (juice on her eyes). He ordered Puck to look for the flower.

Oberon wanted to deserves a lesson to Demetrius, he will fall in love with Helena. (Oberon give


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