- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  10 de Agosto de 2015  •  Biografía  •  266 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  192 Visitas

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Hello, Friends.

Good Afternoon

My name is Leidy Castillo

I am 23 years old

I am single

I am a college student and study business administration .

I am from Cucuta-Norte de Santander

 I am Colombian

I like sports , shopping , going to movies and reading.

I do not like the lies , irresponsibility and double standards .

I will talk about the activities of free time in my town.

The city of Cucuta may seem a bit touristy and unappealing city but there are many leisure activities among them are:

Visit historical temples and the more popular the historic temple of the house of General Santander a very good place to spend a nice afternoon family or couple.

Visit the large shopping centers such as Ventura Plaza  or Unicentro  which have much to show , playgrounds , cinemas , many local varidad among other interesting things .

Visit the major tourist parks and water parks like San Rafael Park is a large park with many fun tourist attractions and a water park .

A popular tourist Citi in Cucuta is the Malecon. Runs along the left bank of the river Pamplonita

It is a busy place with many fun attractions, food , ride , it is a playground for everyone and nightspot par excellence of Cucuteños .

Cucuta is a city filled with many swimming pools , sports courts , hiking morning walk , theaters and other recreational sites.

The truth escape me some tourist sites but to name them all I run out of time but I summarize them telling them that Cucuta is a very nice city to visit and enjoy.

See you soon



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