- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Principles of materials designing

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Task 2 - Principles of materials designing

Fabián Rincón Najas

Código: 1069741028




Omar Andrés Serna Arciniegas

Universidad Abierta y a Distancia- UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación (ECEDU)

Licenciatura en Idiomas con énfasis en inglés

Fusagasugá - 2022

Lists of Principles from the Applied Linguist views.



Ellis (2005):

Nation (1993)

Tomlinson (2011)


The main characteristics of Ellis are based on the very fact of the direct approach to the student, therefore, it is necessary to highlight knowing-being and knowing-doing since, by centering its objectives on the student, it is not only asking to identify their respective roll but to express all their knowledge and progress through controlled production. Ellis does not forget the individuality of the students and emphasizes the importance of working with the own processes of each one

From this conception, there is a more towards the teacher, since it is about teaching, therefore, it says that language materials must be designed to meet the needs of each student. This idea joins the fact that the teacher with his materials must generate skills, strategies and attractive activities that promote fluid, receptive and productive learning.

This approach has an idea based on the process of the student's self-training, since in many of its principles it seeks to make him aware of his training exercise. However, the concept of self-training must be accompanied by materials that stimulate and reinforce the autonomous and formative sense of the student.


A big difference is that here there is an approach focused on a study process of the rules-based competencies that are acquired during the training process. In this way there is a focus on the being of the student

It is based on the teaching process, that is, unlike the others, this approach has one more vision of the teacher, however, it does not neglect the student's attitude and its particular needs that students present in order to be able to attend to them in language courses.

Unlike the others, this postulate manifests a creation of materials that allow self-training in the preparation and use of a second language, which leads students to participate autonomously and consciously.


I think that somehow they all have a common denominator, and it is the creation of materials that contribute to the teaching-learning process under the concept of self-training and autonomy in the process. Therefore, this design of materials leads us to establish a creation of teaching materials that merge creativity and the generation of controlled products for learning a language.

Proposals from Practitioners

             References Variant    

Jan Bell and Roger Gower (in Tomlinson, 2011)

Maley (2014)


The characteristics of this vision, in my opinion, are 4:

- The first is related to the grammatical and logical construction of the material.

- the second focuses on the development of a practical language that does not generate confusion.

-The third is the integration of skills.

-Authenticity in content creation.

The characteristics of this proposal are related more to the pragmatic part, therefore there is a more focused approach to material design to captivate the student through emotions and the deepening of the taste for learning. That is why it speaks of adaptability and flexibility. two tools that should be considered when the teacher is aware that all students are not the same.


The differences focus more on the development of the materials and their perspective. While many are focused on making materials from the teacher's point of view, that is, using linguistic tools such as good use of grammar or the use of comprehensive language, other materials are oriented towards the development of captivating the student from the emotions.


All proposals are focused on the development of activities that captivate the student with the aim of making him autonomous. For this reason, each investigation is organized in such a way that creativity and authenticity arise.

Framing principles according to Hadfield (2014)


Reception skills activities should be formulaic and rule-based and should include careful reading, listening and analysis, and more global understanding.

Materials should be fun, engaging, motivating, and engaging. There must be careful progression, small steps, each one leading to the next, and frequent opportunities for review.

These skills must be combined with each other and with the linguistic work.

Extensive reading and listening are important. Productive skills activities should be communicative, meaningful, and student-centered. Flexibility is important for both students and teachers to meet the needs of students and different learning styles.


This is one of the references that manages to imply that the materials must be comprehensive, that is, that unlike other authors he is already seeking to integrate elements such as creativity, play and emotions. This demonstrates a complete analysis in the development of material, since this is how autonomy is created.


I think that like other authors, here the integration of an authentic construction with the language that manages to captivate is sought. Therefore, it also seeks that the activities focus on the needs of the student.

              References     Variants





the purpose of learning a foreign language is to be able to use it in real life. Therefore, real-life materials are considered suitable for language learners because they reflect the naturalness of the language, enhance learners' motivation, contain cultural content, and have a positive impact on communicative competence.


These materials need a determined and well-guided approach otherwise it will become a lot of activities without a process.


Non-authentic material is simpler and better suited to the context. and at the student’s

language level.

They have a predetermined structure with a clear objective


textbooks are simplified and often do not meet the immediate reality of the context where the student must deal with the practice of the language


These materials depend on the good form of the publisher's or teacher's intention to present them in the classroom; therefore they are not versatile options.

On the other hand, these materials need a clear objective to determine the objective of such a session.


These materials, like the others that we have analyzed, are objectives to be implemented in the teaching process since they significantly support the English learning process. In the same way, they present problems like other types of materials raised. These can be reduced through some recommendations and solutions that have been proposed in other characteristics, we could speak of a complementation


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