- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Chili Cheese Dogs, My Father, And Me

Enviado por   •  6 de Abril de 2015  •  429 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  1.345 Visitas

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People can express their feelings in indirect ways. An affectionate context obviously has to do with more than just words. The love for nature is felt in the body, and is transmitted very directly with a gesture or a hug. There are so many different ways to express feelings and not always is with the traditional way; like when you give presents to someone important for you or when you kiss your mother or when you hug your father. There are a lot of ways to express love for someone like cooking for your family or clean your father’s car or do your laundry for your mother; those are valid ways of loving someone.

In the essay “Chili Cheese Dogs, My Father, and Me” the dad and his son bond over food. The son cooked for his father and the father enjoyed eating the food and it was their own way to share their feelings and express their emotions. His father was a Fighter pilot and he was very cold person and he never said some lovely words for his children, but they discovered that through cooking they could express their love. Expressing affection is also an important point that parents should know, how to recognize the emotions of children and welcome them.

As in the essay, the son and dad express their emotions through the food. Many people whose parents did not communicate with them bodily, or were not affectionate skin and avoided physical contact with them, probably have not learned to express affection in this way. But if the need arises, you can always learn and change in this area. It is very common that families cook dinner to celebrate birthdays and especial occasions. In my case, my mom always cooks for us when we have an especial event. I remember someday when my father started cooking for us on Christmas, it was very special because he had been never done that for us. I knew that it was his own way to express that he love us.

In conclusion, I think is fine the way that you choose to love others and express your feelings. Either way expressing by words or by acts. We know that it is important to be explicit in expressing affections. Often thought within a family by the fact that strong ties between members are set, you can guess the feelings of others. Sometimes we stop saying things because it takes for granted. However, it is known that it is always better to say, express, communicate to the other our feelings candidly and openly.


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