- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  11 de Octubre de 2014  •  272 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  240 Visitas

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Dear Ms Elisabeth Swang,

I am writing in order to inform you about a new project that came to my mind a few weeks ago. To introduce myself I might say that I am the secretary of the new dancing community called “Dance to live”. As you may know, our centre is available for adults and also for children as we provide different dancing classes depending on the age. In addition, our aim is to share our time, for free, teaching how to dance all sorts of music.

Up to now, we are proud of the results we are obtaining, nevertheless , some retired people has complained about not having sessions for their age. To satisfy their wishes, we have considered the idea of planning sporadic classes for them. Unfortunately, as we are a non-profit organization, we need assistance to raise our mission.

To increase our funds , we could hold a graft fair in June . We would be able to offer our services to the general public, while giving us a fun and creative way of making money. There might be demonstrations by our experts , live music , dancing tutorials and some snacks. To attract more people, it may be entertaining to do activities for children while their parents are taking some of the tutorials.

We hope this will help us carry out new retired people sessions , gain popularity in citizenship and to finance some new music equipment. We would be so grateful if you could help us paying for the project. Of course, we will promote you as our crew sponsor.

Thank you for your attention

Yours sincerely


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