- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Illegal inmmigration

Enviado por   •  3 de Noviembre de 2015  •  Ensayo  •  264 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  344 Visitas

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Illegal immigration is a problem that affects everyone in USA. Worldwide, USA is one of the countries that has one of the highest rates of illegal immigration. Any person who immigrants to other country without any kind of documentation is considered an illegal immigration. This essay explain the main reason why people decide to immigrate to North America.

Regardless of political controversies many employers hire any illegal person who arrive to the country. Most of the employers pay less than minimum wage to illegal immigrants but they accept because jobs opportunities and salaries in USA are higher than in their native country. Illegal people work primarily in restaurants, hotels, construction, agriculture, domestic service, etc.

The best possible solution would be fixing the work visa issue and general visa requirements. Not every immigrate travel illegally. Many of them travel with a work visa but when this expire, and with none solution, they decide to stay illegally. In the other hand, if visa requirements were not as complicated as they are people would consider and prefer to travel with visa. In this way, the rates of illegal immigration will decrease.

In conclusion, the lack of opportunities in natives countries of immigrants and the good economy in USA is the main reason why people decide to immigrate for this country. Furthermore, this decision affects to the country because overpopulation rate increase, and to immigrants because they are not able to return to their countries. That is why I think the government should improve many alternatives in order to people travel legally.  

Claudia Rafael Soko


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