- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  24 de Marzo de 2015  •  Examen  •  238 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  225 Visitas

What have in common Alejandro González Iñarritú and Alfonso Cuarón, besides being mexicans? That Gael García Bernal have appeared on their first films? No. The correct answer is that their names are two of the most known of the mexican cinema worldwide.

Mexico lives in a moment where the production of movies is very good, because every year there´s more and more mexican movies. The main problem of mexican movies is the distribution and exhibition.

For González Iñarritú, the mexican cinema lives “an important moment” on its production.

“I think there´s a lot of production, on quantitative terms, it´s an important moment that has a lot of production”, said.

Daniela Michel, director of the International Festival Of Movies of Morelia, and the director of Nosotros los Nobles, Gary Alazraki celebrate the variety of movies and directors that are making films these days.

“The situation is very good, there is so much public for every genre of movies; there is also a lot of different genres and movies, it makes me happy that everything is ok”, considers Michel.

In 2013, Mexico reached an historical maximum of produced films with 126, quantity that it didn´t had since 1959.

However, the actor Daniel Giménez Cacho points the lack of spaces that exist on the movie theaters for the movies produced in Mexico.

“I think the big problem is the distribution and the exhibition, that reduces a little more every time and leaving less space, that´s the problem”, he said.


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