- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Valentine From The Two Gentlemen Of Verona

Enviado por   •  9 de Abril de 2015  •  872 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  264 Visitas

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In The Two Gentlemen of Verona, as well as in many other Shakespeare's comedies, everything is full of the movement and certain aspirations. Valentine’s sequence and commitment are opposed to the inconstancy of his friend Proteus. This essay aims at analyzing the character Valentine's motivation, nature, and keywords and actions.

The main character of the comedy is Valentine. In spite of the fact that in the play his appearance is not described precisely, but proceeding from his actions it is possible to assume that he is a strong, resolute man with truly man's features, noble eyes and a pleasant timbre of a voice. Otherwise, the first girl in Milan would not fall in love with him. Valentine is an example of constancy, but this determination reveals to his beliefs. For example, at the beginning of the play he said to Proteus:

Love is your master, for he masters you:

And he that is so yoked by a fool,

Methinks, should not be chronicled for wise (Shakespeare 115).

Thus, he stays that love prevents the person to live the whole life:

And writers say, as the most forward bud

Is eaten by the canker ere it blow,

Even so by love the young and tender wit

Is turn'd to folly, blasting in the bud,

Losing his verdure even in the prime

And all the fair effects of future hopes (116).

But then, he recognizes his mistake and passionately falls in love with Silvia. However, everything that he says is full of passion and sincerity. Therefore, readers do not see changes in style of his speech and in those words which he tells. He remains faithful to everything and in everything. Valentine's father decides to send him to the yard of the Milan Duke because he wants his son to see the world and to show himself. Valentine is active and curious young man:

Cease to persuade, my loving Proteus

I rather would entreat thy company

To see the wonders of the world abroad,

Than, living dully sluggardized at home,

Wear out thy youth with shapeless idleness (115).

The writer embodied in Valentine’s personality many qualities of the advanced person of his era. Valentine proclaims humanity, respect for the ordinary person, freedom of thought and sincere love (Dobson and Wells 91). He approves progressive ideas of that period of time, prosperity of science and art, respect for human feelings and aspirations. His meaning of life consists in the service to the beloved. Valentine's beliefs are revealed in his monologues and disputes with other protagonists of the play. He considers that the person has the right to choose freely to himself the beloved, therefore for love he is ready to live in exile.

One of the main qualities of Valentine is sincerity. He is sincere with other protagonists of the play. Hatred and disgust for cruelty and brutality, humanity and Valentine’s kindness allowed him not only


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