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Elizabeth The Virgin Queen

Enviado por   •  4 de Diciembre de 2014  •  824 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  250 Visitas

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Princess Elizabeth the virgin queen was and is an amazing history, how a Little girl called for the all the village and the court as a bastard can be such an amazing queen.

That is easy Elizabeth I the child of Henry VIII And Anna Boleyn at the beginning brought a lot of hope and ambicious, but what we waited for someone who cheated her own sister and a king who never mind the problems and the village, deciding for the fresh meat.

Elizabeth I was a loneliness girl but also a great student, this last helped her to reign for more than 44 years, she was so prepared not only physically also mentally, this was the gun of her.

Her childhood was not easy a father that was a killer, a mother that was behead, a brother that have everything and a sister that have a lot of hate. So it will be not easy to be recognize like the princess that was and obviously she had to kept preparing and doing all perfectly, to be admired for the court and the king .

Elizabeth I had to learned so quickly that never had to trust in anyone; that never have the time to have a best friend or any relationship that involves love and trust in the same.

And I think that the mistake that occurred with her uncle and Robert Dubley make her to keep out of her mind the idea of get married, so queen Elizabeth just intented to fall her own goal or objectives , like I mentioned before Elizabeth I was so intelligent that she pretended somethings to keep safe for example when Mary assumeted the throne , she pretented to be catholics but she never lent the protestant religion.

I always think a intelligent person know have to be versatile depends of the moment, and for Elizabeth that was her secret gun to kept the throne, also she pretended to want to get married but the reality it that she never wanted cause her past.

Mary was one of the persons that most hate her I think that for obviously reasons, so when she was on the throne she saw the opportunity to revenged of her sister Elezabeth, and it was a lot of hate that she intented to killed her but the court never permited, the only thing that she can do is to aprisionered in the tower of London but only for two months, cause the court didn´t find guilty of the attempted to kill her brother and others accusation.

Elizabeth was a completed queen cause she was pending of her people, for that she made travels around the country and made parties in her honor and to enjoyed the villages, also they gave money for the exploration and the art.

The renaissance was in the era of the virgin queen so was a era of progress, culture and art, England was a potencially naval because she had people prepared that knows the sea perfectly and how to move in the water, was a queen that affronted the problems and a queen that fight shoulder to shoulder with her warriors.

Remember phrase that behind big


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