- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Pearl Harbor

Enviado por   •  26 de Febrero de 2014  •  304 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  384 Visitas

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On December 7th 1941 Japanese aircraft attacked the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii by storm , where the fleet of American Pacific war was concentrated .

Delivered by the U.S. base at Pearl Harbor was Admiral Kimmel , chief of the Pacific Fleet.

The American side despised the Japanese capacity because, despite indications of a possible attack, the Americans thought that this operation would require the Japanese carriers , which would not allow the attack outside simultaneously.

Battle of Pearl Harbor Pearl HarborBatalla

The Japanese fleet consisted of three aircraft carriers, two battleships , two heavy cruisers , one light , sixteen destroyers and three submarines . On November 25, Admiral Yamamoto gives the order to launch the attack. Silence of navigation is key to the success of the operation. When crossed with a boat from America , English or Dutch should sink , if it was of another nationality , should capture .

Not used the radio to get the silence , while other Japanese ships increased their messages to divert the enemy's attention .

On 6 December, in Washington intercepted and deciphered by a Japanese message that instructions were given to the ambassador for the 7th officially communicate the breakdown of negotiations . The message content was known by Admiral Stark, Chief of Naval Operations , at 9.15 hours. Thirty-five minutes later went to Secretary of State .

Attack on Pearl Harbor Pearl HarborAtaque

More than an hour later the Chief of Staff General George Marshall, read the message . It was proposed to alert the military, but this option was not approved so Marshall wrote a personal warning message was encrypted and transmitted at 12 am Washington time . For when it came to Pearl Harbor, the Japanese attack was already in full swing.

On December 7 , about 6 am beginning the attack on Pearl Harbor.


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