- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Pride And Prejudice

Enviado por   •  29 de Junio de 2014  •  204 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  188 Visitas

Pride and prejudice’ s review

Pride and prejudice is one of the most romantic films I have seen. The film bares the hipocrisy of British society in the nineteen century. It is based on the classic novel of Jane Austen. The 2005 version is starred by the incredible Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet and Mathew Macfedyan as Mr. Darcy and directed by Joe Wright. The story is about a well respected family the Bennet and its five single daughters who must find husband shortly according to the costume of the time.

The proud Elizabeth Bennet’s life changes when she meets the rich handsome Mr. Darcy. Despite the fact that she is urged to find husband by her family, she rejects Darcy’s proposal. The movie shows the ups and downs of a prejudiced society where status and prestige are valued more than true love.

The costume design and the staging of dances of the time are amazing. Keyra Knitghley’s performance was so wonderful that it was worth a nomination at the Academy Award.

I strongly recommend the movie, if you enjoy watching romantic films you cannot miss Pride and prejudice, it makes you sigh to the end.


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