- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  24 de Octubre de 2013  •  223 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  178 Visitas


The polymerization is a chemical reaction in which monomers, which are small molecules with repetitive structural units are joined to form a long chain molecule as a polymer. Each polymer consists of a lot of monomers. A natural polymer is DNA but in the industry the polymerization is mainly used in the industry to form plastic and one example in the candy industry is chewing gum; both examples have a lot of stages to form the final product.

The application in the industry is wide, in the transportation it is used to create solutions of safety, comfort and durability for a lot of parts of cars, trains and aerospace if we look to our cars we can see that there are a lot of plastic parts even in the motor. Polymers are used in some of the toughest environments, for example in high performance cables for wind and solar energy that provide weather resistance and fire, they protect wire.

The reason that are used in the food industry is because they have an excellent cleaning ability in manufacturing environments and food packaging which use hot steam and harsh chemicals to kill bacteria; they are also used for industrial equipment because polymers are ideal for straps and control cables, providing strength and durability. One of the most used polymers in the world is the glue.


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