- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Tarzan Movie

Enviado por   •  10 de Marzo de 2015  •  360 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  190 Visitas

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The Movie Tarzán:

It is a movie Year of production: 1999

Nationality: The United States

The directors: Kevin Lima and Chris Buck

Genre: Animation / adventure / drama

Script: Egar Czech Republic Burroughs

Music: Songs: Phil Collins

Producer: Walt Disney Pictures / Edgar Burroughs.

Awards: Óscar to the best original song in 1999. Golden balloon to the best original song in 1999.


Tarzan, is a child next to his family were placed in the jungle, where his parents built a house at the top of a tree. Meanwhile, a herd of gorillas, including Kerchak (the dominant male) and Kala caring for their little baby gorilla, but is killed by a leopard, by which Kerchak is very affected. The same leopard, also killed the parents of Tarzan. Kala heard the cries of Tarzan, the rescues and adopts him as his son, but Kerchak rejects it. The years pass and Tarzan goes looking for to be accepted by Kerchak without any result, and have come to realize that it is different from the other apes. Searching for its identity, it is with British explorers, Professor Porter, his daughter Jane Porter (which they were investigating the life of the gorillas in their territory) guided by Clayton, Tarzan is love at first sight of Jane. They discover and realizing his situation, teach to behave like a human, earning their trust. It's time to return to the United Kingdom, and Tarzan asks Jane to stay, this, confused, cannot answer. Clayton, in turn, asks Tarzan to teach you where inhabit the gorillas, with evil intentions, in exchange for that Jane is, Tarzan accepts, but falls into a trap. The situation was resolved thanks to the fact that Tarzan protects his flock, gaining the acceptance of "your father" Kerchak. In the end, Jane and her father will remain with Tarzan in the jungle, accepting live in the purest style of the jungle.


The movie, Tarzán is a beautiful history on the real love and education on the value of upbringing and that father / mother are not those that they fertilize but those who breed. On the need for identity and for love for that every human being looks.


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