- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Government Participation

Enviado por   •  8 de Septiembre de 2013  •  472 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  334 Visitas

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Government participation in trade

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) and the Department of Commerce (Commerce) has unique and complementary roles with respect to their responses to U.S. trade policy problems associated with foreign subsidized competition. In general, it is USTR’s role to coordinate the development and implementation of overall U.S. trade policy with respect to subsidy matters; represent the United States in the WTO, including its Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (Subsidies Committee); and chair the interagency process on matters of subsidy trade policy.

The existing WTO disciplines on subsidies prohibit only two types of subsidies: export subsidies and import‐substitution subsidies. However, other types of permitted subsidies can significantly distort trade. The specific language of the rules mandate is important in this regard because it provides an avenue to address these other practices and to inform the discussion of trade remedies in a constructive manner.

Many differences exist in the types of barriers that Latinos encounter when trying to access healthcare in the US compared with Ecuador. In order to identify these barriers, thirty-three interviews were carried out with health professionals in six Ecuadorian cities. Five themes were identified (linguistic, financial, cultural, logistical, and systemic) and compared with themes from a study performed in a heterogeneous Latino community in Baltimore, MD.

These differences appear to stem, frequently, from the economic conditions of each country. Ecuadorians seem to have more of a ‘safety net’ when it comes to accessing basic care due to the country's publicly funded health systems. Not surprisingly, Latinos in the United States often encounter more systemic barriers when lacking citizenship.

The findings also indicate that many barriers transcend borders. Linguistic and cultural obstacles appear to be common issues encountered in both countries. Additionally, despite the economic standing of each country, logistical barriers related to employment and personal income emerge as transnational.

Government procurement policies of United States

In the United States, the government contracts and procurement policy practice provides “cradle to grave” assistance to federal, state, and local government contractors in a wide variety of regulatory, transactional, and litigation matters. K&L Gates lawyers assist clients from Boston to Seattle and from Washington, D.C. to Silicon Valley. We understand that our clients require real-time advice and imaginative legal and business solutions that lessen regulatory and other compliance burdens. The team advises clients on virtually every aspect of government contracts, including highly specialized U.S.

General Services Administration (GSA) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) contracts for a variety of


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