- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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Barrera 2

Juanita Barrera

Dean Patterson


September 6, 2015

Obesity? Dangerous!!

All Morgan wants was to demonstrate people how you should feed your body and what kind of diete you should have to don´t get to the point of obesity that is already on United States.

In the documentary of Morgan Spurlock he talks about the effect that your body makes to fast food. On the documentary Morgan show facts about the obesity on the USA has grown on this little amount of time. Morgan want that the audience to see how he gains weight for exactly 30 days. The experiment he wants to analyze is to eat Mc Donalds for 30 days, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He want´s to show the inadequate way your body respond to the fast food.

Morgan shows that fast food is bad for your body with health experts. He shows to the way they make this food and how much fat the food. Health experts kept on list the time and and how much weight y gain. On 7 days by the sugar and fat he gain around 5 pounds. To don´t gain weight faster his health experts, told him to drink water and no coke or sundaes. Spurlock showed this way to audience the danger, and medical problems that you make to your body by fast food.

This is how Morgan didn´t want to make feel obesity to the fat people that saw the documentary Supersize- Me. Make them feel innocent about all the fast food they eat all the time. The only thing that Spurlock wants to show is to make obese and normal weight people to recap about the junk food they are eating. To see the process of their weeckly life.

Last, Morgan uses 3 ways to demonstrate that his documentary Supersize Me had logos , pathos, and ethos.


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