- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Descruption Of A House

Enviado por   •  19 de Septiembre de 2014  •  268 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  128 Visitas

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My house has got four bedrooms, a living-room, a dining-room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a separate toilet. There is a toilet in the bathroom too. The bedrooms and the bathroom are upstairs, and the living-room, the dining-room, the kitchen and the toilet area downstairs.

The first bedroom is the my parents, the second one is the my brother, the third one is the my sister, and the fourth one is the grandmother´s. When you enter house, the room on your left is the living-room, and the room on your right is the dining-room.

The kitchen it is behind the dining-room. The toilet is in front of you. There is a garden behind the house, but it is not big. There a garden in front of the house too, but it is very small. When you go upstairs, the my parents bedroom is on your left. The bedroom on your right is brother´s, and the bathroom is between his bedroom sister´s. Grandmother´s bedroom is behind sister.

There is a big bed and two big wardrobes in the my parents bedroom, and there is a small bed and a wardrobe in brother room. My brother´s and sister´s beds are big, and Grandmother’s bed is small. The wardrobe in sister´s room is very big, and the wardrobe in brother´s room is small. Grandmother´s room has got blue walls, and there are white ships and green islands on them. The my brother´s bedroom has got white walls, and sister´s has got grey walls.

My brother has got pictures of horses on his walls, and sister has got pictures of beautiful clothes.


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