- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ensayo ingles

Enviado por   •  24 de Septiembre de 2015  •  Ensayos  •  398 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  149 Visitas

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After a deep research about the history of The San Francisco Ruins and to know further the project, I consider that the intention of the architect Rafael Moneo is interesting and well-considered, but I must express, both as a student of architecture and Dominican citizen, my disagreement with the project.

I consider appropriate and successful the architectural proposal, because proposes the preservation of the essence of the ruins , in addition to its original structure , Similarly, the project can be magnificent in proposal, but the execution may come to be a failure due to construction work, done in our country.

The proposal made by the winning firm proposes: ¨The architectural intervention would involve building a new cover sheet of light concrete, literally resting on the structural elements existing and reinforced¨. Based on what was stated in the proposal, some questions arise, such as what arguments support the architect to place these new concrete sheets? Since investing in a somewhat expensive technology, and probably the least invasive to the existing structure, why not strengthen the existing structure and preserve it, instead of minimizing the age of the structure, highlighting the modern architecture?

The architect's proposal should not be considered a preservation of the structure of the ruins, but a remodeling, renovation and modernization of the structure. Rather it should be considered a mockery of colonial architecture, involved the building of so abruptly.

In an interview with the Deputy Minister of Tourism, Maribel Villalona, she responds: "We are happy because we are working with six firms of international importance". This person who must ensure the preservation and conservation of colonial architecture, it only cares working with firms internationally known, but she does not call attention to the damage that is being proposed, to the ruins of San Francisco and the entire Colonial City .



Proposal (offer)

Question (interrogation)

Insted (rather)

Structure (building)

Modern (actual)



Deep - Extends far down.

Dip - To sink or drop down.

Ruin - A wrecked building

Ruin - To destroy


But - Otherwise than

Butt - End that is not used or consumed


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