- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

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Enviado por   •  29 de Abril de 2016  •  Apuntes  •  344 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  1.498 Visitas

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Final activity Personal information

Emma: Hello i'm Emma. what's your name?

Mei: Hi, i am Mai.

Emma: I´m from germany. Where are you from?

Mei: i´m from China.

Emma:I am 25 years old. How old are you?

Mei: I am 24 years old.

Emma: my hobbies and interest is listening to music, scrapbooking and making pottery.

what are your hobbies and interests?

Mei: my hobbies and interest is cooking, eating Chinese food and going to nightclub.

Emma: My dislikes are: knitting and sports.

what is your dislikes?

my dislikes are: singing and playing the guitar.

Emma: my schedule is: Tuesdays and Thursdays: take pottery class. Every morning: work.

What's your schedule?

Mei:  my schedule Every night (except Mondays): work in a restaurant. Every morning: do Tai-Chi.

Emma: Ok, nice to meet you.

Mai: nice to meet you too, see you later.

Emma: see you soon.

Choose a different character and write a paragraph describing him/her. Remember to include: name, age, address, nationality, hobbies and interests, likes and dislikes, and routines.

anahi is a person very occupied, she has 35 years old, she is from Mexico, her address is: apple 3, lot 3b in San Nicolas Tehuacan.

She likes really read, she loves make sport and loves really be with her family.

She hates cooking.

Her routine is: every day except saturdays and sundays, she carry her daughter to school and after goes to work. after that she exits of work and goes for her daughter and comes back to home and eats.

Write a paragraph with your own description. Remember to include your name, age, address, nationality, hobbies and interest, likes and dislikes, and routines.

I´m David, i have 19 years old, i'm from Mexico my address is 5th may street, number 332.

I like listening music, i like really swim, i love surf on internet, i love really movies.

I hate read, i don't like looking out.

Every day i wake up at 8:00, and i help my dad, after my mother, my father and my sister and i breakfast, after that my father goes to work, my mother and my sister do their routines and i wash clothes why i wash clothing others and finally i make homework.


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