- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  15 de Febrero de 2015  •  370 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  189 Visitas

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This essay was written to expose a possible scenario for the Colombia’s future in the

mid-twenty-first century with regard to its technological advancement, the state of its

transportation systems and its inhabitants’ health. The argument is simple, according to the

environment that prevails in Colombia, the progressive evolution and new applications of

technology and both the economic and political situation of the country could get an idea of

what will become of Colombia for the year 2050.

What Colombia does or fails to do today, will create the future of it. With regard to

technology, Colombia today is forming lots of engineers and scientists in their best universities,

and institutions such as the Sena, the use and improvement of technologies is promoted,

thereby it´s promoting innovation and technological development. Because of this, lifestyle of

Colombian people will change, Colombian people will work from home thanks to the internet

and different mobile devices, houses will be automated almost entirely, the long-distance

communication have no limits, the updated information constant and instantly will be the daily

bread for all.

Regarding transport systems, it will notice a significant improvement in quality, comfort

and speed, besides the environment’s care by using solar energy, wind power and electric

energy as fuel endeavor will be noticed. There will be subterranean transport vehicles to travel

from city to city at amazing speeds. Possibly the superpowers of nowadays for 2050 will have

already created teleportation machines or generating devices of wormholes, and thanks to

globalization, in Colombia could have such a transport system that then be licensed and


Finally as a result of technological development of the country, the health conditions for

the Colombian people will be the best, firstly because the use of alternative energies such fuels

will improve air quality, secondly because technology will allow to have immediate access to

services health even for people living in rural areas and also the same technology will combat,

treat and dispose more effectively many of the diseases that nowadays are manifested.

In conclusion, by mid-twenty-first century Colombia will be a developed country,

highly competitive and with a lower mortality rate. It will be a country with high productivity

and its inhabitants will have an excellent quality of life. All of this depends on how technology

is used, because in the wrong hands the results will be catastrophic.


 Soy ecolombiano (2014) “fasciculos coleccio


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