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Marriage In Cultures

Enviado por   •  23 de Marzo de 2014  •  748 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  244 Visitas

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When someone starts in that agreement that we call marriage, it is entering into something that, when less risky. When a couple gets married, does something about it that does not know anything. And according to all indications, when someone does more than once, do not know more the second time than the first.

Marriage is based on the family unit. In this society and this time, the family is more integrated unit, that better manages to perpetuate itself and which protects itself better. As it's set in the present day, it is necessary for the society; both from the economic point of view as any other. Culture would disintegrate if its cornerstone, the family, be valid as such. We could say pretty safely that which destroys marriage destroys civilization.

Basically, the marital relationship, is a postulated relationship; a postulate is a conclusion, decision or resolution on something. When people cease to apply a marriage, it ceases to exist. It is what happens to the majority of marriages; and not the opposite. It is not that all men are bad, and that is why contracts such as marriage usually end in infidelity and disintegrate. That is not true; What is true is the opposite. When you have a purely postulated relationship, you must continue to create it; and a family that can not continue creating as such ceases to exist as a family. Practically that is everything you should know about.

Already some time ago we talked about some marital rituals around the world.

Thus following the same line of that post today we show more traditions in carried out by people who want to join together in marriage. From pull down to men with skirt, all these traditions they always add something to anyone curious or scholar of cultures. We will post more examples:

· Pakistan: The hands of the wife are decorated with henna for Mehndi ceremony to a few days of your wedding. It is assumed that henna brings good luck to the marriage.

· South Korea: A couple wearing traditional clothing for weddings. The woman uses a hanbok and mans a gwanbok. This tradition dates from 2000 years ago

· Morocco: Brides wear a kaftan made and much jewelry. The bride and guests decorate their hands with henna

· Scotland: Invited men dressed in their traditional kilts (skirts). They are only used for very special occasions.

· Nigeria: In Yotuba groom and his friends bed are mouth down to the bride's family until it is presented.

· Bolivia: A group of people enjoys the meal next to Lake Titicaca. The bride and groom and their guests have the head full of confetti and flower petals that were released at the end of the wedding.

· United States (and Mexico also): unmarried guests gather to collect the bouquet of flowers that the bride throws. It says who is it will be luck to engage very soon.

· Japan: A couple starts


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