- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  19 de Noviembre de 2014  •  Informe  •  268 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  105 Visitas

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Science very helpful interesting very extensiva and informative objective

Homeostasis metabolismo

1 organization 2 hypotesis 3 experimentation 4 conclusion

Variable factors that can change (temperature light pressure water nutrients)

Dependent and independent

Quantitative qualitative data

Research tools for obtain an exact measure for experiments


Alexander fleming penicillum

Ecology study of the organisms and interaction with the environment

Energy flow through ecosystem FOOD CHAIN

Species is a group of similar organisms that can brees and produce fertile offspring

Population is a group of individuals that belong to the same species and libe in the same área

Community assemblage of different populations that live together in a defined área

Biological influences on organisms biotic factors

Physical componentes abiotic

Biosphere all life on earth in wich life

exists land water atmosphere

Living systems operate by expending energy

Animals, fungí and many bacteria cannot energy HETEROTROPHS energy from another organism consumers

Feeding relationships FOOD web because more than one FOOD haha

Each step is trophic level

W and c both involve variations in temperature precipitation and other

Weather is the day to day condition of earth's atmosphere

Climate refers to average conditions over Loooong periods

Heat balance controlled carbon dióxido methane and water vapor

Three Climate zones:

Tropical is between 23.5 C north and 23.5 C south latitudes.

The TWO temperate zones 23.5 C and 66.5 C north and south latitudes.

Polar zones between 66.5 C and 90 C north and south latitudes.

This creates wind and ocean currents. Wich transport heat and moisture

Air that is heated by warm, rises.

Characterize biomes abiotic like Climate and soil type and biotic like plant and animal life

Major biomes;

Tropical rain forest.

Tropical dry forest.

Tropical grassland/savanna/shrubland.


Temperate grassland.

Temperate woodland and shrubland.

Temperate forest.

Northwestern coniferous forest.

Boreal forest itaiga.


Producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers and descomponers.


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