- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Russia Empire

Enviado por   •  26 de Noviembre de 2013  •  255 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  194 Visitas

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Ivan III (The Great) found Aristotile Fioravanti, for the construction of the cathedral known as, The Assumption Cathedral. 1480, Ivan III risk everything to defeat the tatars. After a big battle Russia defeats them. By the dead of Ivan III in 1505, he had created an independent Russia.

Ivan (The Terrible) came to the power on 1547, he was better recognized because the way he murdered and tortured people. Kazan was conquered by Russia and it became an empire. In 1575, Ivan command to build the most important cathedral of Russia, today known as, Saint Basil´s Cathedral. Ivan (The Terrible) murdered his son and his pregnant wife. He dies in 1584 leaving Russia in a disaster.

In 1696 a new Tsar came to power named Peter I (The Great). Peter I began with the construction on St. Petersburg, which was a huge challenge, as St Petersburg was rounding of nothing. St. Petersburg was constructed claiming thousands of lives of workers. In 1712, Peter claimed St. Petersburg, the capital of Russia. In 1714, Peter design a palace known as, Peterhof Palace. Peter died trying to save a worker from the freezing waters in 1725.

Catherine II (The Great) came to power in 1762. She was addicted to construct and one of the prestigious building project was the, Winter Palace. By the end of the power of Catherine II in 1796, Russia was as superpower.

In 1917, people revolted and Tsar Nicholas II was removed from the power. The reign of the Russian´s Tsar had been destroyed.


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