- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Paper on the movie “Peaceful Warrior”

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Scuola Italiana

Arturo Dell’ Oro


Paper on the movie

“Peaceful Warrior”

Second Semester

Student: Raúl Hayvar Strasser

Class: IIIºB

Date: 23th, Agost 2010

Teacher: Claudia Vallejos


This paper is a detailed analysis of the movie “Peaceful Warrior”, will talk about characters, important phrases from the movie and the importance of some words that appear in the movie. And finally I will talk about my own opinion about the movie and what is the most importance of the movie.

I.- Describe these characters

1.-Dan Millman:

Dan is a ordinary boy who loves getting drunk and girls, and loves Olympic Gymnastics, rings specially, his exhausting training explains his trained body. He always want be the number one among his partners, always thinks in the future, but not enjoy the present, and the most important objective in the movie for him is find the happiness.


Socrates is a relatively old man, who received the nickname Socrates for his extensive wisdom. His philosophy of life is serving others, and is he who teaches Dan the way to find the happiness and how give his one hundred percent of effort.


Joy is a young runner girl, with a similar age to Dan. She also is friend of Socrates. Although she don’t appear so much in the movie she always gives encouragement to Dan, and obviously she likes Dan and Dan likes her.

4.-Coach Garrick:

He is the coach of Dan. He always thinks Dan is very good in the rings, but really he never believe in Dan, we can see it when the coach don’t believe Dan that he can come back to training.

II.- Explain these quotes

1.- In this phrase Socrates wants to Dan find the real purpose of his accident, everything that happen has a purpose, everything is meant to be.

2.- Socrates wants explain with this phrase that you never have to leave something you love, because that causes on you that feeling of love and that help to find the


4.- Socrates explains to Dan that the only important moment ever is the present, what you are doing in the moment is the only what cares.

5.- Dan realizes that the trip did not really had a purpose with a goal at the end, the only purpose is the journey, the experience of being happy in that moment, that is what you really have to enjoy.

7.- He explains that every moment in your life, every moment that happens, is important. All what happen is important, only you have to give you the time to appreciate every moment.



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