- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Dejar de fumar - Stop smoking

Enviado por   •  10 de Noviembre de 2017  •  Ensayo  •  611 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  63 Visitas

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Modern living is based on the idea that in order to have a prosperous life you should perform all your activities efficiently and effectively, and to do so, you should have a healthy lifestyle. Most people believe that a wholesome lifestyle is just a low-calorie diet and some exercise but the truth is that you also have to break bad habits such as caffeine consumption, eating food that contain toxic ingredients and additives, and smoking. Of all bad habits, smoking is the one that people are more concerned about but do nothing to quit it. If you smoke and If you want to have a truly healthy way of living you should commit yourself to stop smoking. You should quit this bad habit  now because not only is bad for your health but also is more harmful for the people around you.

Firstly, smoking cigarettes is proven to be harmful to your health. Cigarettes contain over 4000 chemicals, including 43 well known cancer-causing toxins; moreover, their principal substance, nicotine, not only affect your nervous system and brain but also is highly addictive. Many diseases are associated with smoking. Anyone having this bad habit has a higher percentage of suffering lung cancer, respiratory illnesses such as asthma, chronic bronchitis and cardiovascular illnesses (heart attack, high blood pressure and strokes). Also, it can damage your fertility and cause impotence to some men. Therefore, if you truly want to have a wholesome life, you should stop smoking today.

Furthermore, cigarettes do not only harm the people who smoke; they also harm the people who are near them. They breathe in the secondhand smoke (the smoke that comes out of the lit end of a cigarette and that a smoker exhales) thus they can get many of the same problems as smokers do. The most common effects are lung and nasal sinus cancer, strokes, bronchitis and asthma. And what is worse, children are particularly at risk for the effects of secondhand smoke due to the fact that their bodies are still growing and they breath at a faster rate than adults consuming high doses of toxic substances. Children are more likely to suffer chronic cough, ear infections, severe and frequent asthma attacks and sudden infant death syndrome. Having a healthy lifestyle means taking care of your body and the other’s so the best way to do that is stop smoking.

Nevertheless, people may think that smoking helps you reduce stress and feel relaxed which is good because you can concentrate more on your everyday activities. Actually the fact is that when you smoke you inhale deeply and then exhale long and slow. Within seven seconds, that deep breath increases the flow of blood and oxygen to the heart which relaxes the body. That is to say, you feel relaxed not because of the cigarette but due to the action of inhale and exhale. Moreover, if you do not want to de stressed, there better options than smoking. For instance, you could use a stress ball, chew gum, have a cup of green tea or close your eyes and meditate. So, before harm yourself with a cigarette, you should try different ways to stay calm and  be healthy.


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