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Independece Of Eeuu

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Basic facts of Independence.

The King George III of England decided in 1775 imponenla Stamp Act , by which the Americans to pay taxes for all documents were signed under statute required colonists . English settlers had to buy stamps , the amount varied according to the type of document. This tax generated protests from the colonists, and this , forced the king to abolish stamp duty in 1767.

Later King George created the customs duties , which should make payments for some commodities settlers from England, between these goods was the tea.

So citizens organized to prevent the purchase of goods from England and in relation to tea decided to prevent his landing in America. They took action in 1773 came the Tea Party , colonists disguised as Red Indians attacked three British ships carrying tea and threw their products to the sea. In retaliation the British authorities closed the Port of Boston, top spot of the American colonies .

In 1775 the War of Independence began in response to armed repression imposed by the English crown.

On July 4, 1776 a congress of delegates from the 13 colonies met in Philadelphia declared the Independence of the United States. Among the signers of this declaration were George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin , among others.

In the Declaration of Independence, the Enlightenment principles demonstrated . In fact, having at first the Declaration of the Rights of Man. This Congress appointed George Washington commander of the army.

Washington's army at the beginning of the war had serious setbacks, he was forced to withdraw from Brooklyn to Manhattan.

In 1777 they defeated the British troops in Saratoga with the support of the French. In fact , the Marquis de Lafayette between 1779 and 1780 went to Versailles and persuaded Louis XVI to send to North America an army of 6,000 men under the command of Count de Rochambeau . These troops aided the overthrow of the British troops .

Between 1778 and 1779 several meetings between the two armies , with which England tried to reassert their colonial domains remained . But in 1781 they capitulated to Washington's army at the Battle of Yorktown , Virginia.

But it was not until 1783 when Britain recognized the independence of the United States signed the Treaty of Versailles on September 3 of that year.

In February 1787, the Continental Congress , the legislative body of the new country , called on delegates of States to Philadelphia in order to amend the Articles of Confederation . However, they decided to draft a constitution , which was completed on September 17, 1787 .

This constitution says in its preamble : "We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect union, establish justice , insure domestic tranquility, provide means for the common defense , promote the general Welfare, and secure to ourselves and our posterity


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