- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Antonimos y antitesis

Enviado por   •  9 de Octubre de 2015  •  Síntesis  •  496 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  269 Visitas

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Metacognition Activity:

Building an aquarium

Team members:

Héctor Barba Hernández                  1812219

Gabriel Martínez Villarreal                 1807582

Carlos Uriel Celestino Bautista           1822426

Diego Fernando Martínez Lozano    1801966

Raymundo Garza Garza                    1798656

Anna Victoria Verástegui Polendo   1823648

Teacher: Mr. Alejandro Cruz

Due Date: September 10, 2015                                            

Biotic factors

  • Whale
  • Seal
  • Fish
  • Octopus
  • Swordfish
  • Algae
  • Krill

Abiotic facts:

  • Sand
  • Sunlight
  • Temperature of the sea

The energy in this ecosystem flows by the food chain, in which producers and consumers are related in order to give other organisms the necessary energy to stay alive.[pic 3]

Steps to build an aquarium

  1. Search an ideal place to construct the aquarium, being that one of the factors that need the animals to live is the sunlight, also, a good climate may influence in animal´s development and adaptaion.
  2. Install the container where you´re going to put your aquarium.
  3. Search for the necessary biotic factors to put into the aquarium

The most difficult thing in building the aquarium was to found the animals that are needed in order to successfully complete the food chain that corresponds to that ecosystem. Also finding the necessary abiotic factors so that the aquarium was completed in the interdependent relationship between some biotic and abiotic facts was completed.

If people want to build an aquarium, they should consider in what place they are going to maintain it, because several external factors form the environment can affect the maintenance of the aquarium.

The food chain is an important factor in all types of ecosystems that exist in our biosphere. If one of the food chains is abruptly disrupted, the consumers wouldn’t have the corresponding product to eat, and since they can’t find their corresponding food, they’ll go and take the food of other animal that needs it and so on and so on, until the necessary producers come to an end.

Just as people take consideration for the preservation for the terrestrial ecosystems, they should also keep aquatic ecosystems in mind. Animals suffer because all of the contamination the ocean has acquired over the last years and it’s all because of the humans. Also, some of us infringe unnecessary harm to some animals because of “sport” or to simply sell them in souvenir stores. If people that have these practices keep going on this road, it will come to a point when several species are in danger of extinction.


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