Enviado por Daylíniela García • 27 de Septiembre de 2016 • Reseña • 991 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 373 Visitas
∙ Salary.
Article 82 of the Federal Labour Act, establishes that the wage is the remuneration that must pay the worker in return pattern to work.
The wages that perceive them workers as payment to their services will be them consigned in the tab of wages willing by the administration of the company.
Them wages of those workers not may be retained or decreased by any concept, except by those cases that the law available.
The wages of workers will be paid in currency of legal course deposited into his personal account on Friday.
∙ Holidays and holiday premium.
By concept of vacation workers will enjoy pursuant to article 76 of the federal labor law: workers who are more than one year of service will enjoy an annual period of paid, that in no case shall be less than six working days, and that will increase in 2 business days, up to 12, for each subsequent year of service. After the fourth year, the period of holidays will increase in 2 days for each five years of services.
Article 78.-those workers must enjoy in form continued six days of holiday, at least.
Article 79-Vacation may not offset is paid.
If the employment relationship ends before the year of service is met, the worker is entitled to remuneration provided at the time of services.
Article 80.-the workers will have right to a prima not less of twenty-five percent on them wages that les correspond during the period of holiday.
∙ Utilities
Workers shall be entitled to participate in the profits of the company in accordance with the chapter VIII title third of Federal labor law.
∙ Aguinaldo
Article 87. Workers are entitled to an annual bonus that must be paid before 20 December, equivalent to fifteen days of salary, at least.
Which not have fulfilled the year of services, regardless of that is are working or not in the date of liquidation of the aguinaldo, will have right to is them pay the part proportional of the same, according to while have worked, either that is this.
perform work in a safe environment.
Receive a deal environmentally friendly.
Having the tools for the fulfilment of the required work.
Your obligations as a worker will be:
Day of work.
The hours of work for the restaurant cafe flavor and Aroma will be of:
First shift: 08:00 to 15:00 hours (production and Administration)
Second shift: 15:00 to 22:00 hours
From Monday to Sunday with a day of rest in the week; be counted with a tolerance of 15 minutes and at the same time will have 30 minutes to eat their food.
Identification credential.
To be part of our company will be provided a credential, which represents a measure of identification and security.
Delays, absences and permissions.
∙ Delays: the tolerance at the time of entry is of 15 minutes.
What should make the employee if arrives late?
If you arrive after the tolerance time is 8:16 and 3:16 as the case may be, you must report to your immediate supervisor.
If decides to remove is, the employee must present is to the day following in his schema routine of work.
How affects the absence in her perception wage of the worker?
If the employee is a work you will be paid half a day's salary.