- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  5 de Septiembre de 2014  •  Examen  •  398 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  229 Visitas

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Participation in this discussion gives you the ability to use concepts and terminology learned in Chapter 1 while having interchanges of information with peers and your professor.

Upon Completion of the Discussion you will be able to:

• Describe an IPO and apply the concept to an actual corporation

• Distinguish among different types of corporations

• Explain how the SEC regulates this process

After reading the first chapter of the text and doing some research on the internet regarding how a company goes public you should be able to relate the process of going public to the raising capital and financing a corporation. This concept establishes the basis for understanding how a company’s structure affects the way it finances itself, how it needs to communicate to stockholders and bondholders and the regulatory environment which companies exist in currently and in the future.


Let’s Discuss: The IPO Process

You should be able to explain and support your reactions to the following questions:

• What is an IPO?

• What is the difference between a public corporation and a private partnership or corporation?

• How does the SEC regulate a company in going “public” and once it is a public entity?

• Give an example of a recent IPO. Why do you think this company went “public”?


To Complete the Discussion:

Post a thorough response to the questions. Be sure to read and respond to your peers as well. To gain full-credit for your work, you must post one substantive response and reply to a minimum of two postings. I would also like you to respond to anyone who comments on your post. Please note that you should allocate at least two to four hours a week for reading and posting messages to online discussions.

To lessen the risk of losing your work, do not write major discussion postings directly into the discussion box. Instead, compose and check your work in other software (i.e. Microsoft Word) and then use the Create Message button and paste your text into the new posting. Be sure to revise the automated Subject Line so that it is a one-sentence abstract or summary of the main idea you are expressing. Do not simply use "re:..." but rather think about your posting and write a sentence or phrase that captures its point.

To receive credit for this discussion it must be completed during the assigned time frame for this module. Discussions are to be interactive and emulate the classroom environment.



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