- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  17 de Agosto de 2015  •  Apuntes  •  293 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  98 Visitas

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People have different opinion about the job of a doctor. Some people see it as a rewarding and interesting career while others think it is a difficult and stressful job. Whatever your view, working as a doctor is a demanding job with many advantages and disadvantages.

         There are several arguments in favor of being a doctor. First of all, it is a rewarding job because doctors help sick and injured people recover. Furthermore, doctors are in high demand since there are always sick and injured people who need medical attention.

           However, there are many disadvantages to working as a doctor. Firstly, it is a tiring job because doctors work long shifts and often work at night. In addition, being a doctor can be depressing since they often see people suffering.

            To conclude, I believe that, although being a doctor can be challenging at times, it is worth it. It is very rewarding to help people recover from injury or sickness.

CHANGE the appropriate switches to join ideas such as:

To list & add points: first, second, furthermore, in addition, to begin with; in addition; also; firstly; and

To introduce the pros of the topic: There are several arguments in favor; Most of the pros are; Pointing on the relevant facts;

To introduce the cons of the topic: However, there are also many disadvantages; Nevertheless, some disadvantages are consider such as; Even though there are sort of disadvantages; etc.

To show contrast: on the other hand, however, nevertheless, etc.

To give examples: for instance; for example;

To introduce the conclude: to conclude; all in all, to sum up, in conclusion, Although, etc.


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