- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ordenamiento Burbuja Java

Enviado por   •  6 de Octubre de 2018  •  Tarea  •  650 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  102 Visitas

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package ej13;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class Burbuja extends FORM05 {

private String strTotal;

private int intTotal,i,temp;

private int[] intNumeros;

private boolean bandera;

private String[] strNumeros;

public Burbuja(){

this.bandera = true;

this.i = 0;

this.temp = 0;

this.intTotal = 0;


public void PEDIR_NUMEROS(){

this.strTotal = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Cuantos numeros deseas ordenar?");

this.intTotal = Integer.parseInt(this.strTotal);

this.intNumeros = new int[this.intTotal];

this.strNumeros = new String[this.intTotal];


this.strNumeros[this.i-1] = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Numero " +i


this.intNumeros[this.i-1] = Integer.parseInt(strNumeros[this.i-1]);



public void ORDEN_DESCENDENTE(){

while (this.bandera){

this.bandera = false;

for( this.i=0; this.i<this.intNumeros.length-1; this.i++){

if (this.intNumeros[this.i]<this.intNumeros[this.i+1]){

this.temp = this.intNumeros[this.i];

this.intNumeros[this.i] = this.intNumeros[this.i+1];

this.intNumeros[this.i+1] = this.temp;

this.bandera = true;





public void ORDEN_ASCENDENTE(){

while (this.bandera){

this.bandera = false;

for( this.i=0; this.i<this.intNumeros.length-1; this.i++){

if (this.intNumeros[this.i]>this.intNumeros[this.i+1]){

this.temp = this.intNumeros[this.i];

this.intNumeros[this.i] = this.intNumeros[this.i+1];

this.intNumeros[this.i+1] = this.temp;

this.bandera = true;





public void MOSTRAR_ORDENADOS(){

System.out.println("Los numeros ordenados son;\n");

for (this.i=0;this.i<this.intTotal;this.i++){

//JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,this.intNumeros[this.i]+" ");

System.out.print(this.intNumeros[this.i]+" ");




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