- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Verificación y validación del software. Software revision

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Troncoso Rubio Abril Alejandra.



Nombre del curso:

Verificación y validación del software

Nombre del maestro:

Luis Enrique Moreno Mendieta

Module 1

Topic 3. Software revision

Fecha de entrega: 17/feb./2022

  • Informal reviews: such reviews are conducted together with a colleague in a short meeting. This review, also known as a "table session", has no predetermined structure, its main purpose is to give a quick overview, trying to find superficial errors before continuing with the programming process. In terms of affinity, it is very similar to checking our car before hitting the road: we check tire pressure, make sure the spare tire is in good condition; we also check oil, water, brake fluid and look for leaks. Something simple and quick.


  • The aim of informal reviews is to improve the quality of the document and help the authors.
  • Provide feedback for a specific job or how the person responded to a situation.
  • Help reinforce good habits and point out bad habits.


  • Not always 100 percent complete as modifications occur.
  • The disadvantage of the informal assessment is that there is no documentation of the interaction
  • Delay can mean days in delivering an order

  • Formal reviews: Generally, a “formal” review is related to a heavy process review with 3-6 competitors gathered in a room with printouts and/or a projector. Someone is the "moderator" or "controller" and acts as an organizer, keeps everyone on task, controls the pace of the review, and acts as a referee for disputes.


  • Determine the risks that may arise  
  • Data that can be used for compensation and succession planning
  • Ratings make it easier to communicate performance.


  • Ratings are too subjective
  • People focus on the number over the feedback
  • Organizations are not always specific between teams

It is necessary to document the requirements, for this purpose a document called "User Requirements" is created, which must be treated at the same level as the qualification and validation documents and therefore registered in the quality system, both in its format and each time they are generated for each system, assigning them a code and a version.


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