Tabla glosario de abreviaciones de balas
Enviado por stefania • 8 de Mayo de 2015 • 470 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 424 Visitas
+ P More Power mas Poder
ACP Automatic Colt Pistol Pistola Automatica Colt
AJHP Aluminum Jacketed Hollow Point Punta Hueca Encamisada en Aluminio
AP Armor Piercing Perforante
AUTO Automatic Automatica
AVG Average Promedio
BB Bevel Base
BMG Browning Machine Gun Pistola Automatica Browning
BT Boat Tail Cola de Bote
CBC Companhia Brasileira de Cartuchos Compañía Brasilera de Cartuchos
CF CenterFire Fuego Central
CFR Centerfire rifle Rifle de Fuego Central
CUP Copper units of pressure Unidades de Presion de Cobre
Cyl Cylinder Cilindro
DA Double action Doble Accion
DAO Double Action Only Doble Accion Solo
DIS Disintegrating Desintegradora
DPH Diamond Pyramid Hardness
EV Extreme variation Variacion Extrema
FL Factory Load Plomo de Fábrica
FMC Full Metal Case Vaina de Metal completa
FMJ Full Metal Jacket Encamisado Total Metálico
FMJSWC Full Metal Jacket Semi-Wad Cutter Punta Semi Chata Encamisdo total metálico
Gr Grains Grains
HB Hollow Base Base Hueca
HBWC Hollow Base Wad Cutter Punta Chata de Base Hueca
HP Hollow Point Punta Hueca
HPE Hollow Point Expanding Punta Hueca Expansiva
HPL Hollow Point Lead Punta Hueca de Plomo
HSP Hollow Soft Point Punta Hueca Blanda
HV High Velocity Alta Velocidad
I Incendiary Incendiaria
JHC Jacket Hollow cavity Cavidad Hueca Encamisada
JHP Jacketed Hollow Point Punta Hueca Encamisada
JSP Jacketed Soft Point Punta Blanda Encamisada
KTW Punta de Tefllon
L Long Largo
LR Long Rifle Largo Rifle
MC Metal Case Vaina de Metal
MCOPE Metal Case Open Point Expanding Vaina de Metal de Punta Abierta Expansiva
MCWC Metal Cased Wad Cutter Vaina de Metal Punta Chata
Mg Magnum Magnum
MP Metal Point Punta de Metal
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization Tratado Transatlático Norte
OPE Open Point Expanding Punta Abierta Expanisiva
P&R Pistol and Revolver Pistola y Revolver
PARA Parabellum Parabellum
PSP Pointed Soft Point Punta Blanda Puntiaguda
RF Rimfire Fuego Anular
RFM Rimfire Magnum Fuego Anular Magnum
RN Round Nose Punta Redonda
RNL Round Nose Lead Punta de Plomo Redonda
S Short Corto
S&W Smith and Wesson Smith and Wesson
SA Super Auto Super Automatica
SIL Silhouette Silueta
SJSP SemiJacketed Soft Point Punta Blanda Semi Encamisada
SL Solid Lead Plomo Sólido