America For Americans
Enviado por IvanQuijanoLeal • 29 de Enero de 2014 • 702 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 310 Visitas
America for Americans
In the twentieth century, the government of the United States of America, great country called “Land of Freedom”, established a law which says that each foreign person who wishes to live or simply to visit this territory has to have a visa and in order to have it, that person needs also an official passport from his or her country. Since that moment a social issue called “illegal immigration” was born.
I have tried several times to understand the people who come illegally to this country; but I just don’t get it because the procedure to get a visa is really simple and easy to understand. I know a hundred percent of illegal immigrants are poor people without any studies, but being honest, how hard could it be for a poor person to get the official documents that are required, and pay a moderate amount of money to get a passport and then a visa?
This social issue has existed for a long time, and it seems almost impossible to stop illegal immigrants or even to reduce the number of them. But we know it is not our government’s fault. We have skilled cops, security forces, trained dogs, weapons, technology and even now a wall, but immigrants are ignorant and fast people; it is obvious who has the advantage and this is the reason why there are so many.
Maybe we should ask Mexico’s government to control their people because I think, as most of Americans do, that all illegal immigrants are Mexicans because their skin is brown, their hair is black, and they speak Mexican, or is it Spanish they speak in Mexico? I won’t waste one minute of my day trying to find out. Who cares? I know there are more than nine hundred millions people with the same characteristics all over the world, but most of those immigrants come to America through Mexico, so they must be Mexicans. That’s the only proof I need, I don’t care if the countries of origin for the largest numbers of illegal immigrants are also El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Philippines, India, and Korea among others (U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 2009).
One day I was talking to my American friends about illegal immigrants. Our families are from Europe, Asia, and Africa, but we are Americans because we born here. We were talking about something we saw the same morning in the news: a group of illegal Mexicans from Puerto Rico was arrested while they were working and were deported to their country. Our thought is the same; we think all immigrants should be deported; who needs them? They just do the work that we Americans don’t want to do because we are too good to perform those jobs because we live in a First World country, just like Germany, other First World country. I’m not saying we are like the Germans. We are different from them. They discriminated against people if they were not Germans; for us, if you are white you are okay. Also they started both World Wars. We don’t