- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  13 de Noviembre de 2014  •  238 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  283 Visitas

Thanks Sofia

Legend has it that her name was Eulalia was a handsome, blond and blue-eyed girl who always showed great professionalism and diligence, she always look very clean and neatly pressed white uniform.

As usual in hospitals, a new doctor admission personnel. When Eulalia knew what it was immediately in love with him and from that moment he did not rest until conquer and make her boyfriend despite strong rumors about the customs that this doctor was flirting with other nurses.Thanks Sofia

Legend has it that her name was Eulalia was a handsome, blond and blue-eyed girl who always showed great professionalism and diligence, she always look very clean and neatly pressed white uniform.

As usual in hospitals, a new doctor admission personnel. When Eulalia knew what it was immediately in love with him and from that moment he did not rest until conquer and make her boyfriend despite strong rumors about the customs that this doctor was flirting with other nurses.Thanks Sofia

Legend has it that her name was Eulalia was a handsome, blond and blue-eyed girl who always showed great professionalism and diligence, she always look very clean and neatly pressed white uniform.

As usual in hospitals, a new doctor admission personnel. When Eulalia knew what it was immediately in love with him and from that moment he did not rest until conquer and make her boyfriend despite strong rumors about the customs that this doctor was flirting with other nurses.


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