- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  3 de Noviembre de 2014  •  306 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  176 Visitas

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I was born on June 8, 1998 at the specialty clinic, I grew up next to me mama Yanet towers and dad Rigoberto flowers in a village holy name takes Chautla only study a year of preschool at school verdecito, the same year the birth of my sister Carmen, I started my primary education in 2004, my first award for my effort in school I received in grade exactly one year after the birth of my brother Jose Antonio, during my time at school I played in basketball team for the school were my life, I concluded my primary education with an average of 9.5, started my secondary education in 2010 and was in the second year when I got my best was 9.8 average finish my secondary school with three acknowledgments and averaged 9.5 in the same year with the support of my family and friends succeed in securing a place in the preparatory BUAP enrique muddy urban cabrera I finished my education there .for after competing for a place in the highest seat of learning BUAP in a medical career, after a long wait achieving obtain, then apply for a scholarship at the University of Cambridge in London which was denied me once, but I gave overcome to achieve it, I graduated with giving the proudest honors my father but this was not all the time after I married a wonderful man with whom I had a daughter named Alexandra with the help of husband and daughter succeed in obtaining a specialty in neurology, with the passage of time I started looking for a cure with ainswaimer but with help of some colleagues achieved at the age of 38, currently living in Mexico in my hometown, in the company of my husband I have daughter with the ground even win a nobel prize medicine.


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