Civilian Possession of Weapons
Enviado por Mónica Ramos • 14 de Septiembre de 2017 • Biografía • 2.628 Palabras (11 Páginas) • 262 Visitas
MUN Project
MUN Resolutions Analysis
General Assembly
Civilian Possession of Weapons
Teacher: Miriam Karina Flores Hernández
Draft Resolution: Countries in favor but that have conflits
José Julio Fragoso Figueroa A01422564
Oscar Alejandro Torres Maya A01377686
Karen Itzel Cruz Hinojosa A01274475
Monica Maria Ramos Romero A01246197
Laurine Fabiana Germain Rodriguez A01633298
Ana Paula Robles Esqueda A00232204
Dana Fernanda Torres Aguilar A00571742
Justine Gutierrez Mendoza A01365878
Laisha Fernanda Vargas Ascencio A01351557
Georgina Angelica Papaqui Temoltzi A01329930
Jun 23, 2017
o Explanation about the original Problematic/Topic to be solved
The right to possession of weapons consists of the use and transport of weapons, for defensive, sporting purposes, private escort, without prejudice to other legal activities that may be carried out. Each year, there are more than 8 million new weapons, and more than 16 billion of new bullets, that equals two and a half bullets for each of the people on the planet. In recent years, the carrying of weapons in civilians has been a topic of debate, every day there are armed clashes and victims around the world, each time there are such relevant events around the legal and illegal possession of weapons throughout the world. At least 7 million of weapons are in power the civilians in the world what is causing a series of conflicts between the countries since the portation of the weapons leads to the formation of criminal groups that use the bad situations to carry out their acts vandalism.
o Proposals that were presented in the Committee:
Countries in favor: The creation of different types of licenses for the carry of weapons and the consequences of using them. The government of the countries will make an investigation to terminate if it was in self-defense or not.
Countries against: The creation of a non gubernamental agency to regulate the use of weapons and the consequences of using them. The civilians must only use arms to practice certain activities (hunting) and people who need security like politicians.
o Draft Resolution that you proposed:
We propose a resolution that help to every country that is in conflict, having in mind that the priority of us is to resolved the civilian troubles that we have. establish priority to resolve the civilian troubles between counties. Government could distribute legally the weapons to the citizens that help the government to solve the problems and have an specific police which are in charge of that people. Criminal record of each person and psychological tests for knowing the user's capacities. Every country is going to establishing limits in their possession such as codes and specific caliber of the weapons. As in the control of manufacture, export and import of them, as consequence will be avoid the black market. Also a type of education will be developed so they can control themselves and know how to carry on a weapon, imparting it by courses, conferences, and public meetings, implemented for young people, since primary school, people whose jobs need of those knowledge, and the ones who live in places of risk. Its use in public will be restrict. At the end of the conflicts of countries an amnesty campaign will be done, so weapons can get back to the government.
We only want to have a safety place for our population so, people only can have weapons inside their house, they will be allowed to use it, only in the cases that it is really necessary, they are going to pay $100 dlls for the license, and they have to renovate every year, the punishment if you possess an illegal weapon is five years in jail. Every country is going to implement this resolutions, having in mind that we have conflicts, when the conflict is already solved in every country, we are going to make a campaign to recollect the weapons that we gave to the civilian and we will make another meeting to establish new laws with the purpose to have better places to live for our population, without the fear of carrying a weapon that it has not to be necessary.
o Analysis of the Draft Resolution
Is it really viable?
The resolution has many points in them and all of them must to be respected for every person that arrived and leave the country, specially the people to live in the country. So we think the answer if is it viable is yes, because our resolution was based on real data and envisions for future generations and other conflicts, the priority of these countries nowadays, is to solve the internal and external conflicts they have, that is why the actions taken in the working paper are viable for these States. For example, the requirements we ask for civilians to own a weapons were the ones the majority of our States has, that is what makes it real. Every propose made in the resolution paper has a purpose to lower levels of civilian possession of weapons, right now, the countries in favor to the resolution have a civil conflict and our propose are against it. The reason to against the civilian possession of weapons is for the use the civilians use it, the majority of the people only use for bad actions and it is bad.
Although our countries are currently in an armed conflict, we are in favor of arms. We think that when the current conflict ends, a future conflict will be prevented.
One part that could be not viable, would be the campaign of amnesty, which consists in recollecting the weapons for food or money, when the current conflicts are finished. The people almost always feel scare no matter where they live or how much money they have, their argument will be the safety and they won't change their arms for food or money, they would try to continue renovating their license.
Which will it be the impact of its implementation? (projections)
Colombia: In case of the 223 article of the Colombian Constitution, it's not necessary to make changes. the decree 356 of 1994 and the 1612 of 2002 related to private security need changes. The decree 2535 of 2003 and the articles 52, 53, 54 related to the production, commercialization, exportation and importation of guns need new specifications and rules. The implementation of this agreement would significantly change the use of weapons in the Republic of Colombia, such as the reduction of illegal weapons, the increase in the number of weapons per person, the possible decrease in the import and export of