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Motocicletas Uso De Casco

Enviado por   •  7 de Octubre de 2013  •  566 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  185 Visitas

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Motorcycle helmet law

There is a controversy in the congress about the userr3grtg4e of helmet in United States. Some lawmakers want to create laws which make necessary the use of helmet. There are two different groups, one which is against this law, and the other one which agree with the law. In United States, should be freedom to choose whether or not to use helmet. I am against this law, accidents can happen for everything not just because of the use of helmet

The studies that were released, they are accurately right. Since this law was passed, motorcycle licenses have increased by 200,000. This mean, that those studies were made, based in the numbers of licenses that they had ten years ago. The ABATE group argued that “ We are not anti-helmet, we are anti-helmet law. Even though, they are against of the use of helmet law, they could use helmet sometimes. For example, riders might not use their helmets while they are in the city riding in low speeds. On the other hand, they could use helmet while they are in long trips, or on the highways.

Phil lewis a sales representative of Harley Davidson argued that “ He has never seen an accident where the helmet would have made a difference”. In a study made by the college of main, the college took an approved helmet for this study. The study showed that the use of helmet on impacts more than 14 MPH could save the head, but on the other hand it will transfer the energy of the impact to the neck, easily breaking it.

Palmegiani 2

Lawmakers should consider creating a law to teach car drivers that they are not the only cars out there, but also riders whom can crash and they could lose their lives. While driving a car people get distracting by anything, music, cellphones, talking, ect. Getting distracted they could crash with a motorcycle, and kill the rider. In addition, while a person is driving they might change of line, if on that line there is a motorcycle maybe the person is not going to be able to see the motorcycle. These examples can happen, so law makers should try to avoid these accidents by teaching drivers about the issue.

Opponents would say that injures by using helmet are lower than those who do not use helmet. They say that the most important injures are in the head, therefore using the helmet the person could save his live. Opponents also argue that there is an economic cost if the person does not use helmet. They say that the costs related to head injuries are more than four times the required coverage from the insurance. These people also argue that since the law allows bikers to not use helmet, the percentage of death is 81%.

Finally, riders should be free to choose when they use their helmets. Helmet law is not the solution for this issue. Law makers should try to find another solution for this problem, instead of keeping away rider’s freedom. Most of the riders in the world


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