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Versions about landing on the moon

Enviado por   •  8 de Noviembre de 2013  •  250 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  350 Visitas

The moon landing

The moon landing is a popular conspiracy theory; there are many facts that go against the official version. I think that it isn’t true, for me these are one of the greatest lies in modern history.

The surface of the moon is covered on fine lunar dust, and even this doesn't seem to have displaced in photographic evidence. However, on any video or photograph of the landing, no crater is visible, almost as thought the module was simply placed there. If NASA really landed us on the moon, there would be a blast crater underneath the lunar module to mark its landing.

In order to reach the moon, astronauts had to pass thought what is known as the van Allen radiations belt. The Apollo missions to the moon marked the fort ever attempts to transport living humans through the belt. Conspiracy theorists contend that the sheer levels of radiation would have cooked the astronauts on rout to the moon.

The cameras used by astronauts during the moon landing had a multitude of cross hairs to aid with scaling and directions. These are imprinted in the photographs. Conspiracy theorists have suggested NASA to print the man because of those show the cross hairs behind objects in the scene, implying that photographs may have been edited after being taken.

Finally there are people that believe in the moon landing or not. The controversy is served and this is one of those many cases where the aim justifies the means.


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