- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  13 de Octubre de 2016  •  Biografía  •  384 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  122 Visitas

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He had not dressed for the occasion, did not want, or rather, did not want to, because if it did, it would not be herself, and he would not have liked.[pic 2]

Worn jeans, sneakers, and scarf holding her long hair had been their hallmark in his teens. But when he looked in the mirror almost it was not recognized. He looked again and again trying to find his past beauty, but her eyes were filled with water, a water rebel fighting to leave and did not want to spill. After a gesture of anger, he pulled himself together in the mirror.

 He left home with weak, indecisive step, paving the way towards absolute sadness, to a place where to leave part of his soul, his life and his heart. This beat strong, fast and rumbled in the temple. He stopped his way looking at the forest, not wanting to get closer, now had good reason not to, his head pounded and caused a slight dizziness. But his feet did not listen, and moved slowly one after another, ignoring his order.

   Very slowly into the forest, he recognized the scent of magnolias, the chestnut trees of eucalyptus. He heard the sound of the river and birdsong, outside their drama. He came to a gate and held tight until his fingers blanched and began to ache. I had to compose herself again, take a deep breath and fight for your eyes water not overflow. He opened the gate and went to the grave. He stood up, looking marble, looking at his name for more than half an hour, not moving, not wanting to accept that he was there. And suddenly his legs failed, and fell on his knees. At that moment his eyes stopped obeying and stopped making no tears, one after another, without stopping. It was a silent cry, full of love and sadness. He stroked his grave and stroked her hair, and kissed his grave as he kissed her lips.

I had to compose himself again, he rose from the floor and looking at the place that housed the love of his life said:

- I have loved you, I love you now and love you forever.

He turned on his heel, and left the forest that he could never return.


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