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Michael Jackson

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1958-1975: Early life and the Jackson 5

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Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958. He was the eighth of ten children in the Jackson family, a working-class African-American family living in a two-bedroom house in Jackson Street, in Gary, Indiana, an industrial city in the Chicago metropolitan área. His mother, Katherine Esther Scruse, was a devout Jehovah's Witness. She played clarinet and piano and once aspired to be a country & western artist. Michael's father, Joseph Walter “Joe” Jackson, a former boxer, was a steel worker in the United States. Steel. Joe was performing as a guitarist in a local rhythm and blues band. Michael grew up with three sisters (Rebbie, La Toya, and Janet) and five brothers (Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, and Randy). A sixth brother, Marlon's twin, Brandon, died shortly after birth.

Jackson had a troubled relationship with his father. In 2003, Joe acknowledged that he spanked him himself as a child. Joe was also said to have verbally abused his son, often saying that he had a “thick nose”. Jackson said that in his childhood he was physically and emotionally abused during incessant rehearsals, although he credited his father's strict discipline playing an important role in his success.

In an interview with Martin Bashir for the 2003 documentary Living with Michael Jackson, Jackson recalled that Joe often sat in a chair with a belt in hand while he and his brothers rehearsed, and that "if you didn't do it the right way right, he spanked you, he really spanked you. ”Jackson's parents have long disputed allegations of abuse, with Katherine claiming that while spanking is considered abuse today, it was still a common way of disciplining children. [pic 2]

In June One thousand nine hundred seventy-five they changed the name now it will be called Younger brother Randy formally joined the band around this time, while Jermaine decided to stay with Motown and pursue a solo career. The Jacksons continued their musical tours, releasing six more albums between one thousand nine hundred seventy-six and one thousand nine hundred eighty-four. Michael, the group's lead songwriter during this time, He wrote hits like Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground) (one thousand nine hundred seventy-nine), This Place Hotel one thousand nine hundred eighty and Can You Feel It (one thousand nine hundred eighty).

In one thousand nine hundred seventy-eight, the singer played the role of Scarecrow in the film The Wizard, a remake of the musical The Wizard of Oz one thousand nine hundred thirty-nine performed this time by actors of African-American origin. Fifty-six fifty-seven the film - directed by Sidney Lumet fifty-seven and co-starring by Diana Ross, Nipsey Russell and Ted Ross fifty-eight - it was a box office flop. fifty-nine His score was arranged by Quincy Jones, sixty  sixty-one whom Jackson had previously met when he was twelve years old at the home of Sammy Davis Jr  sixty-two Jones agreed to produce Jackson's next solo album. Sixty, sixty-one, sixty-three  during his time in New York, Jackson frequented the Studio fifty-four nightclub and was exposed to early hip hop, influencing his beat boxing on future songs like “Working 'Day. And Night. Sixty-four in one thousand nine hundred seventy-nine, Jackson broke his nose during a complex dance routine. His subsequent rhinoplasty was not a complete success; he complained of breathing difficulties that would affect his career. He was referred to Dr. Steven Hoefflin, who performed Jackson's second rhinoplasty and subsequent operations

Michael Joseph Jackson nació el 29 de agosto de 1958. Fue el octavo de diez hijos de la familia Jackson, una familia afroamericana de clase trabajadora que vivía en una casa de dos dormitorios en Jackson Street, en GaryIndiana, una ciudad industrial en el área metropolitana de Chicago. Su madre, Katherine Esther Scruse, era una devota Testigo de Jehová. Ella tocaba clarinete y piano y una vez aspiró a ser una artista country y occidental.[pic 3]

​ El padre de Michael, Joseph Walter “Joe” Jackson, un exboxeador, era un trabajador del acero en U.S. Steel. Joe actuaba como guitarrista en una banda local de rhythm and blues, ​ Michael creció con tres hermanas (RebbieLa Toya y Janet) y cinco hermanos (JackieTitoJermaineMarlon y Randy). Un sexto hermano, el gemelo de Marlon, Brandon, murió poco después del nacimiento


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