- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  28 de Febrero de 2013  •  271 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  200 Visitas

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My name is Juanita Perez Ordoñez, I am sixteen years old , and I love TO smile. I´m responsible, respectful, kind and a funny woman. ON the other hand, my tastesLIKES are: share with my family, practice Volleyball, sing, politics, economy and travel trough the paradises that this world offers us.


I was born on a rainy and cold night ( April seven THof nineteen ninety) in Bogota D.C. where I still live with my parents and my sister. I lived in Santa Fe neighborhood for five years, because of my father´s work. BY THE TIME At the past of the time, I went to My little artists kindergardTen when I was three years old , and I remember that place with happiness for the first letters that I learned. Futhermore, I did my elementary, middle and high school at Newproud institution, which gave me: good memories, fabolous teachers, great friends and an amazing education. Actually, I´m buying some things, for my graduation on Novemeber thirtyTH, I think that it will be a good event with my old partners. Fortunately, I will study International Business at Santo Tomas college next year, and FINALLY my dream WILL come true, as a result of the opportunities that this carrera CAREER gives to graduates in the laboral environment, like work in different productive sectors of the economy associated with management, negociation and international trades of public or private companies. Principally, in these organizations, a graduate of this program may plan, design,advice and control administrative, economic,legal,financial,comercial, logistics, technical and technological processes as may be required in trade operations, between nations.


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