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Biografia Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz En Ingles

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Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

(12/11/1651 – 17/04/1695)

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

Juana Ramirez de Asbaje

Mexican poet

Illegitimate child, was born on November 12, 1651 in the village Nepantla, although we found a baptismal record in the parish of Chimulhuacán, which also says he was born on December 2, 1648.

He learned to read and write in three years. Being very young, traveled to Mexico City and the Court entered the service of the viceroys of Mancera.

He joined a convent of Carmelite nuns which came sick and finally professed in 1669 in the convent of San Jeronimo Mexico City, where he remained until his death during a plague epidemic. Your best period begins in 1680 with the conception of Allegorical Neptune, triumphal arch in honor of the Viceroys of Laguna.

It was then when dismissing her confessor, as deduced from the discovery Letter to Father Nunez, written around 1682, and has shown a controversial and argumentative aspect of the nun . In the carols, perhaps one of the least studied aspects of his work, displayed the greatest wealth. Author of all types of works, courtly and religious sitcoms, The Trials of a house, The Second Celestina, the comedy mythological labyrinth Love is written with Juan de Guevara, morality plays: El Divino Narciso, The scepter of Joseph, San Hermenegildo, in the praise that precede the first two mentioned cars reiterates the relationship Aztec human sacrifices to the Eucharist.

First Dream is an extraordinary poem as silva of 975 verses. In 1690, Bishop Fernandez de Santa Cruz issued the Charter atenagorica, preceded by the Charter of Sor Philothea, and which enjoins Sor Juana from their writings embrace secular and religious. Famous is the work, Response to Sor Philothea (1691), reply to the letter of the Bishop of Santa Cruz, a self hagiography while a brilliant defense of the right to free expression. A controversy over the last few years of his life divided the sorjuanistas: a postulated the thesis of his conversion, others attributed his silence end to persecution.

Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz died in Mexico City on April 17, 1695.


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