- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Bographia Leonardo Da Vinci

Enviado por   •  27 de Mayo de 2015  •  262 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  124 Visitas

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Leonardo grew up with his father in Florence. Throughout his life, Leonardo remained as a vegetarian for ethical reasons. His first sketches were of such quality that as soon as his father showed them the painter Andrea de el Verrocchio this took fourteen-year-old as an apprentice. Leonardo later rode his own workshop as a painter in Florence.

In 1506 Leonardo meets the count Francesco Melzi, fifteen-year-old, son of an aristocrat from Lombardy and possessed a great demeanour. After stormy scenes of jealousy, Salai accepts a new arrangement in relation to Leonardo and the three carry out several tours through Italy. Although Salai was always presented as his disciple, it never produced the slightest work. Melzi, anyway, became his disciple and companion of a lifetime.

His mother is a female poor, slave. By being baptized was not allowed into the Church, not to be of nobility. Just entered her father and her paternal grandmother. At age 5, it seems that the village left to live with her grandmother, and possibly never more saw his mother. Leonardo da Vinci was a man of great personal appeal, kindness and generosity, and was, in general, well beloved by his contemporaries.

Between 1482 and 1499 he worked for the Milán Duke Ludovico Sforza and maintained his own workshop, where he worked several apprentices. Seventy tons of bronze that had been collected for the completion of the statue of a horse called "Gran Cavallo" are fused to make weapons for the Duke in an attempt to save Milan from the French during the reign of Carlos VIII of France in 1495.


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