- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  25 de Agosto de 2014  •  420 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  217 Visitas

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The segmentation in marketing is the process of segmenting a market into smaller groups with uniforms similar characteristics and needs, this can be divided according to their characteristics or variables that may influence their buying behavior.

La segmentación en la mercadotecnia es el proceso de segmentar un mercado en grupos uniformes más pequeños que tengan características y necesidades semejantes, esta se puede dividir de acuerdo a sus características o variables que puedan influir en su comportamiento de compra.


Strategic marketing is the element that defines and frames the main lines of communication and marketing company, to take advantage of market opportunities. The sales force MACSA has been successful in selling printers, lasers and labeling machines for decades. The recent addition of projects in the company's offer requires a new sales strategy. This case addresses the challenges that managers face the company in the development and implementation of this new strategy.

Write a report answering the following questions, including additional information in the circumstances:

- What is the role of marketing strategy MACSA?

The need for advice and maintenance of information systems is very high as befits a leading company as technologically MACSA. These needs are covered by our personalized service, focused on the maintenance of IT infrastructure. This service covers aspects of counseling, maintenance of servers and services, perimeter security, contingency plans and under the premise of the urgent need for high availability and the large number of users who go permanent relocation thereof, even in different countries, become highly critical these values.

MACSA is currently the only manufacturer of laser marking equipment and the first in the world to develop a dynamic laser coding Spanish company supply chains. The system allows printing of alphanumeric characters, logos and barcodes with the product moving.

The marketing strategy of selling projects is greater emphasis on ancillary services, both before and after the sale. Sometimes it is the buyer himself who develops ideas for new products, which have a more active role. The client itself could become a competitor if you decide to make the same product, will be less important features like brand, packaging and more important quality, consistency, delivery, etc. MACSA offensive uses an innovative strategy, is to act as a technology leader by continuously introducing new products and creating new markets. The risk is great but can get a high return.


Planning is one of the key activities within the administrative process of an organization. Enterprises today is very dynamic, where change is constantly present, it may be sudden or slow, planning allows assimilate these changes.


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