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Actividad Avenger Infinity War

Enviado por   •  4 de Mayo de 2018  •  Práctica o problema  •  292 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  191 Visitas

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Marvel studios known as marvel films this industry is located in california and this industry has created movies based on the comics and the category is science fiction this was later bought by disney and twelve years later disney decided to buy fox and now has the rights of the x men and four fantastic and other movies more

and right now the most recent film is that of infinity war that premieres on April 27 where all the avengers will be joined in a movie

I invite you to watch the avenger infinity war movie

 Marvel studios conocida como marvel films esta industria esta ubicada en california y esta industria a creado peliculas basada en los comicsy la categoria es  de ciencia ficcion esta despues fue comprada por disney y doce años despues  disney decidio comprar fox  y ahora ya tiene los derechos de los x men y cuatro fantasticos y otras peliculas mas

y ahorita la pelicula mas reciente es la de infinity war que se estrena el 27 de abril  donde se van a unir  todos los vengadores en una pelicula  

Yo lo invito a que vean la pelicula de avenger infinity war

Marvel studios known as marvel films this industry is located, in california and this industry has created movies based on the comics and the category is science fiction this was later bought by disney and twelve years later disney decided to buy fox and now has the rights of the x men and four fantastic and other movies more

and right now the most recent film is that of infinity war that premieres on April 27 where all the avengers will be joined in a movie

I invite you to watch the avenger infinity war movies



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