Adjustment Of Differential Liberation Data To Separator Conditions
Enviado por cocool01 • 20 de Junio de 2013 • 507 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 718 Visitas
The actual reservoir process is neither flash nor differential.
Thus, regardless of the testing procedure, some adjustment
needs to be made to the resultant data to approximate the fluid
behavior in the oil production process. The conventional
method of adjustment extrapolates to negative values of
solution gas-oil ratio and formation volume factor leads to
values less than one at low pressure. Both extrapolations do
not conform to the physical behavior. This is due to the fact
that the conventional approach does not observe that the oil
relative density at reservoir conditions is the same regardless
of the process.
This paper presents a new approach to the adjustment of
differential liberation data to separator conditions. This
approach is based on the fact that both flash and differential
data should give the same value for the oil relative density at
the reservoir conditions. This is achieved by correcting all the
properties, i.e. solution gas-oil ratio, formation volume factor,
gas relative density and oil relative density. The new method
overcomes the disadvantages and limitation of the
conventional approach. This method is tested on 400 PVT files
from all over the world and the result is consistent with
physical behavior. A sample calculation is presented to outline
the new method.
The differential solution gas-oil ratio is not the same as the
flash solution gas-oil ratio as shown in Fig. 1. Similarly, the
differential and flash oil formation volume factors are not the
same as depicted in Fig. 2. Thus, regardless of the testing
procedures - flash or differential, some correction needs to be
made on the resultant data to approximate the fluid behavior in
the oil production process.
The oil that leaves the reservoir is flashed to the separator,
necessitating that the solution gas oil ratio and the formation
volume factor should be determined by a flash process.
In order to calculate the combination fluid properties from
standard data analysis, several assumptions were stipulated,
but these assumptions limit the range of application.
This paper describes a new method to adjust the
differential liberation data to separator conditions. This
method overcomes the disadvantages and limitations of the
current method and come up with a correction procedure that
results in a consistent physical trend.
Reservoir Process
In differential liberation process, gas is removed from oil as it
is released from solution. While, in flash liberation process,
gas remains in contact with oil.
Generally, petroleum engineers consider