- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ambiente y mitigación del cambio climático

Enviado por   •  23 de Junio de 2019  •  Ensayo  •  2.244 Palabras (9 Páginas)  •  77 Visitas

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La mente maestra detrás de este ensayo es “Bryan Guerrero” :3


This essay will focus on the mitigation of climate change, specifically on greenhouse gases and the possibility of reducing the emission of these gases through increasing the use of renewable energy to benefit society and the environment mutually; the advantages and applications to stop climate change and thereby aim for our survival and prevalence on the planet.

Energy is defined as the capacity of two bodies to produce a job, energy is obtained from different sources, whether natural or artificial, for each of these sources there are natural resources, which can be renewable or non-renewable, depending on the source of energy that you want to use, as mentioned above, renewable energy are those whose potential is inexhaustible, since they come from the energy that reaches our planet continuously, on the other hand non-renewable energies are those that exist natural way but it has a limited amount.


It is important to analyze the antecedents in terms of use that the human being from the beginning of his times up to the present time has given to the energy to supply his basic needs in conjunction with the advances of technology, also to carry out his daily activities, in antiquity the human being used his own energy to do heavy work like hunting, agriculture and irrigation; unlike today, the main source of energy is generated by the exploitation of fossil fuels, extracting carbon, gas and oil from them, however, this type of energy generates a lot of pollution, because these gases generate gases of greenhouse effect that in recent decades have warmed the surface of the planet more than it should be, which affects climate change and in turn global warming, these gases can be; water vapor which is the most abundant, carbon dioxide; that the human generates when breathing, the volcanic eruptions, but it is nothing compared to the footprint left by the human being, that is, activities such as deforestation that causes an imbalance since the animals that lived in those places are forced to migrate for their survival and the trees that clean the air for us are decreasing, the human is burning fossil fuels, so we have increased the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, there is also the methane that is produced in garbage deposits, and ruminants also generate it in their digestive process, mainly cows and this gas is much more powerful trapping the heat of the sun than carbon dioxide and luckily has less presence in concentration in the atmosphere, change eating habits also contributes to the survival of the human, so stop eating meats is helpful, and stop using the aerosols that are the chlorofluorocarbons that have affected the ozone layer, as these are other gases that increase global warming; which is the increase in the average temperature on the surface of the earth due to the increase in the aforementioned gases, therefore action must be taken against this, the evidence of climate change can be seen in the increase in sea level for example, extreme events such as hurricanes and storms that are the result of high temperatures, the pollution that has acidified the oceans and that has increased since the industrial revolution and the life of the aquatic ecosystem is in danger because they need a specific PH to survive otherwise they will become extinct. The main sources of energy that today exist are very polluting since they are fossil fuels, in addition to which this energy for its uncontrolled exploitation will reach a moment in which it no longer exists, leaving us a global problem.

Despite the above, nature offers us large amounts of energy sources, such as solar, wind and hydro, among others this type of energy is considered renewable because it never runs out and has a natural regeneration, it is also a clean energy as it contaminates the environment in small proportions, then we talk about an alternative energy, or more precisely an alternative energy source that can replace the current energy sources or sources, either by its lower polluting effect, or fundamentally because of its possibility of renewal. However, its use is very limited due to production, distribution and transformation costs in electricity.

Currently, most of the energy supply comes from fossil fuels, and in a small amount, nuclear energy and, to a lesser extent, renewable energies. That the majority of energy comes from non-renewable sources entails important environmental implications and a strong dependence on external supply, and to stop climate change, countries must progressively replace the use of fossil fuels, such as oil and coal, with renewable energies (wind , solar thermal, photovoltaic, geothermal, etc).

The energy for the machinery is also essential, without energy they could not perform their functions. Therefore, within our society, energy plays a fundamental role. in the actuality it would be difficult to live Without energy, without lighting, without means of transport or merchandise, and of course we will not have food for the great demand either. In this scenario the factories can not work. We must be aware of the reality and of what the term energy and its relation to the environment really means, because development must be sustainable and friendly to the extent possible, but it is affected by globalization, the consumerism that has created needs that do not exist.

The world is changing and we are the human beings who are causing this change, so it is the responsibility of each person in the world to do their part and encourage them to make a planet more "ecological and green", we should not wait for it to get worse the situation and realize the seriousness of climate change and its implications, is essential for our future lives the increase in the use of renewable energy, because thanks to this we can obtain energy without harming the environment, on the other hand ceasing to use fossil fuels we will reduce all the pollution existing in the earth and in turn giving a better world to future generations.

Carrying out ecological restoration, such as arborization of areas in need, can help to decrease the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. There is another alternative, and it is current technologies for capturing and storing CO2 that focus on the main stationary sources of CO2. This is based on processes of balance of matter and energy where a CO2 collector that extracts this gas directly from the air, that CO2 collector can be NaOH(sodium hydroxide). This process reduces the concentration of this greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.




Este ensayo se centrará en la mitigación del cambio climático, específicamente en los gases de efecto invernadero y la posibilidad de reducir la emisión de estos gases mediante el aumento del uso de energías renovables para beneficiar mutuamente a la sociedad y al medio ambiente; Las ventajas y aplicaciones para detener el cambio climático y, por lo tanto, apuntar a nuestra supervivencia y prevalencia en el planeta.


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