Enviado por Leviathan325 • 18 de Abril de 2015 • 460 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 161 Visitas
Contributions of Archimedes on mechanics and design
of mechanisms
Marco Ceccarelli 1
LARM: Laboratory of Robotics and Mechatronics, University of Cassino and South Latium, Via G. Di Biasio 43, Cassino, Italy
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 15 January 2013
Received in revised form 2 October 2013
Accepted 12 October 2013
Available online 2 November 2013
Relevant contributions are ascribed to Archimedes as related to early developments in mechanics
with application to mechanism design with a modern vision. Archimedes developed theoretical
advances thatweremotivated by and applied to practical problemswith an enthusiastic behaviour
and with a modern spirit that can be summarized in his motto ‘Give me a place to stand and I will
move the earth’. In this paper his contribution tomechanics is discussed as related to his results in
designing and successfully operating mechanisms.
Keywords: © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
History of Mechanical Engineering
History of mechanics
Mechanism design
1. Introduction
Since Renaissance Archimedes' mechanics has been reconsidered together with a new attention to Greek–Roman machine
designs with the aim to develop an early approach for modern theory of mechanisms, as outlined in [1].
The works of Archimedes, mainly in the aspects of mechanism design, has been rediscovered and studied during Renaissance,
as for example in the works [2–5]. They were used as fundamental backgrounds for the first developments of early TMM (Theory
of Mechanisms and Machines) by Guidobaldo Del Monte [6] and Galileo Galilei [7,8]. Even at the beginning of the modern TMM in
the 19th century Archimedes' contribution was recognized in identifying basic conceptual elements, like for example in the works
[9,10]. The modernity of Archimedes in MMS (Mechanism and Machine Science) can today still be advised in his approach of
classification for the variety of mechanism designs as function of a unique principle in the operation mechanics, as indicated in
[11], following the earlier Aristotelian work ‘Mechanical Problems’.
The major contributions of Archimedes that can be understood in the field of modern MMS, can be recognized in:
- identification and analysis of basic elements of machines and mechanisms, as pointed out in [8]
- analysis of machinery operation as function of a unique concept that he identified in the functionality of levers
- application of theory to successful practical designs that since his time gave dignity of discipline to machine design
- enthusiasm and optimism in mechanism design in developing technology for enhancing society and quality