Atropa Belladona
Enviado por Rahorajti • 18 de Enero de 2014 • 200 Palabras (1 Páginas) • 214 Visitas
Atropa Belladona: The deadly nightshade
1. Taxonomy:
Same family as the potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, tobacco, chili peppers, etc.
2. Species distribution:
This plant Belladonna is originally from Europe, Asia West and North Africa, but it is cultivated in all over the world. It thrives in calcareous soils in forests and soils. The leaves are collected in summer and the root from the first year, in autumn.
• Alkaloids tropanes (up 0.6%) including
• Atropine and hyoscyamine
• Flavonoids
• Coumarins
• Volatile bases (nicotine)
4. Uses in Medicine:
Slows action of smooth muscle system
a. Parkinson’s symptoms
b. Irregularities in heart rate
c. Dilates pupils
d. Reduces salivation
e. Stomach and bladder cramps
f. Helps to relax pre-surgery patients
g. Combats infection and decreases pain when combined with methylene blue, phenyl salicylate, and benzoic acid.
h. Prevents nausea and vomiting caused by motion sickness
i. Counteracts the effects of nerve gas.
5. Investigation:
Tropanes alkaloids: its action is well known. They inhibit the parasympathetic nervous system, controlling involuntary organic activities. This reduces saliva and gastric, bronchial secretions and bowel, as well as the activity of the urinary ducts, the bladder and the intestines. They also increase the heart rate and they dilated pupils.
Agriculture, U. S. (15 de August de 2013). Natural Resouces Conservation Service. Obtenido de Plants Database: (s.f.). Obtenido de
Kinserley, D. (s.f.). Laboratorios Abies. Obtenido de The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants: