- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Biology Words

Enviado por   •  5 de Junio de 2013  •  224 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  686 Visitas



The metabolism is the quantity of calories that the body born to maintain itself. It is a necessary process for the living organisms. It has two processes anabolism and catabolism.

Anabolism :

Is the set of metabolic pathways that construct molecules from smaller units. These reactions require energy. eg, protein synthesis, photosynthesis.


Is the set of metabolic pathways which break down molecules into smaller units and release energy.

Mention two metabolic functions studied in class?


Are the physicochemical reactions that provide the necessary energy to living things, there are two modes of nutrition the autotrophic nutrition and the heterotrophic nutrition.


Are the processes and metabolic reactions that change the biochemical energy into ATP.

What does anabolism involves?

- The storage of energy.

- Production of new materials.

- Growing.

What does catabolism involves?

- Release of energy.

- Cellular Material.

What is the cellular transport process?

Mechanism to allow cells move materials into and out of cells. This processes occur into the cell membrane. There are two types of cellular transportation passive transport and active transport.

Mention two types of cellular transport mechanism

Passive transport:

Does not require energy. The energy involved in his mechanism comes from the in solution .

Mechanisms: Simple diffusion and osmosis.

Active transport:

This mechanism involves the cell to use cellular energy usually in the form of ATP to power special protein pumps to bring material into the cell.

Mechanism: Endocitosis and exositosis.


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